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This assignment was one of the more difficult ones. the idea of restoration was really cool to learn about and actually restoring a photo was interesting but this project was pretty time consuming. some tools that i used were definitely harder to get the hang of than others but the overall product turned out well.


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This assignment wasn't as interesting to me as some of the others. In order to make a propaganda poster we had to discuss certain opinions and points of view on some subjects. Although it was similar to how we made the logos, it also introduced a little bit of photo-shop. Overall i enjoyed the program used but not necessarily the assignment.

First Class Feelings

My initial feelings toward this class included a lot of scary thoughts. This class is not under the same category as my major so that was a little strange sitting as a forensics major in a class filled with art major students. By the end of that class I realized it wasn't nearly as stressful as I thought. The most important thing is that we share one important thing, our love for art. No, art is not my major, but it is one of my favorite hobbies. I've never learned anything about digital art skills so this should be a good start. I have always loved science which is why I am a forensic major, my goal is to be a crime scene investigator. This course could possibly help me in the future, even though I don't plan on getting a degree in digital media, it could very well come in handy for the future.